Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Slight Delay

I'd thought I'd have new pics up on the blog by now, but have been distracted by a few things. Finished school for the summer last week. Then on Monday I began experiencing abdominal pain. It lasted through the night and into Tuesday when it became localized on the lower right side of my abdomen. Went to emergency, and after much waiting found out I likely had appendicitis and had to stay in for immediate surgery. Had the op on Tuesday night and was in hospital for most of Wednesday. Now home, but can't move or walk very well (at least not without a considerable amount of pain). On top of it all I had to miss going to Vancouver with a bunch of friends to see Rush today, which was more of a kick in the ass than the surgery! So it will probably be another week or so before I get around to more painting and taking pictures for the blog.

Hope you all are well and haven't had to lose any organs lately!

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